Top 118 Wedding Wishes in Chinese

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In Chinese culture, weddings are a grand affair, steeped in rich traditions and customs that have been passed down through generations. Exchanging heartfelt wedding wishes is an essential and meaningful part of the celebration, as it symbolizes the love, respect, and good fortune extended to the newlywed couple.

These wishes not only strengthen the bonds within the community but also add a touch of warmth and emotion to the special occasion. To help you express your congratulations and blessings to newlyweds in Mandarin, we have prepared a comprehensive guide to the top 100 wedding wishes in Chinese.

This collection features a diverse range of wishes that incorporate auspicious phrases, idioms, and symbols, ensuring that your message resonates deeply with the couple and their families.

So, whether you are attending a traditional Chinese wedding or simply want to share a meaningful message with a Mandarin-speaking couple, this guide will provide you with the perfect words to convey your heartfelt sentiments on their joyous day.

Here Are The Top 100 Wedding Wishes in Chinese

These wishes include auspicious phrases and idioms that will not only warm the couple’s hearts but also strengthen the bonds within the community.

So, without further ado, let’s explore these beautiful expressions of love and happiness. Here are the top 100 wedding wishes in Chinese!

Chinese CharactersPinyinEnglish Translation
百年好合,永浴爱河bǎi nián hǎo hé, yǒng yù ài héMay you have a hundred years of happy marriage and forever bathe in the river of love.
永结同心,白头偕老yǒng jié tóng xīn, bái tóu xié lǎoMay you always be of one heart and mind, and grow old together until your hair turns white.
两情相悦,百年好合liǎng qíng xiāng yuè, bǎi nián hǎo héMay your love for each other be mutual and enduring, and may you have a hundred years of happy marriage.
情比金坚,百年好合qíng bǐ jīn jiān, bǎi nián hǎo héMay your love be as strong as gold and last a hundred years.
一心一意,永结同心yī xīn yī yì, yǒng jié tóng xīnMay you always be of one heart and one mind, and stay together forever.
珠联璧合,百年好合zhū lián bì hé, bǎi nián hǎo héMay you be perfectly matched like pearls and jade, and have a hundred years of happy marriage.
恩恩爱爱,永结同心ēn ēn ài ài, yǒng jié tóng xīnMay you always love each other and stay together forever.
甜甜蜜蜜,永结同心tián tián mì mì, yǒng jié tóng xīnMay you always be sweet and loving to each other, and stay together forever.
真情永驻,百年好合zhēn qíng yǒng zhù, bǎi nián hǎo héMay your true love last forever and may you have a hundred years of happy marriage.
珍爱彼此,百年好合zhēn ài bǐ cǐ, bǎi nián hǎo héMay you cherish each other and have a hundred years of happy marriage.
一心同梦,永结同心yī xīn tóng mèng, yǒng jié tóng xīnMay you have the same dream and always stay together.
恩恩爱爱,百年好合ēn ēn ài ài, bǎi nián hǎo héMay you always love each other and have a hundred years of happy marriage.
甜蜜缠绵,永结同心tián mì chán mián, yǒng jié tóng xīnMay you always be sweet and loving to each other, and stay together forever.
百年好合,琴瑟和鸣bǎi nián hǎo hé, qín sè hé míngMay you have a hundred years of happy marriage and harmonize like a musical instrument.
情比海深,百年好合qíng bǐ hǎi shēn, bǎi nián hǎo héMay your love be as deep as the sea and last a hundred years.
情投意合,百年好合qíng tóu yì hé, bǎi nián hǎo héMay your hearts and minds be in harmony and may you have a hundred years of happy marriage.
两心相悦,百年好合liǎng xīn xiāng yuè, bǎi nián hǎo héMay your hearts be in sync and may you have a hundred years of happy marriage.
永结同心,恩恩爱爱yǒng jié tóng xīn, ēn ēn ài àiMay you always be of one heart and one mind, and love each other forever.
情比金坚,琴瑟和鸣qíng bǐ jīn jiān, qín sè hé míngMay your love be as strong as gold and harmonize like a musical instrument.
一生一世,永结同心yī shēng yī shì, yǒng jié tóng xīnMay you stay together forever and always be of one heart and one mind.
伉俪情深,百年好合kàng lì qíng shēn, bǎi nián hǎo héMay your love as a couple be profound and lasting, and may you have a hundred years of happy marriage.
浪漫缠绵,永结同心làng màn chán mián, yǒng jié tóng xīnMay your romance be continuous and may you stay together forever.
新婚快乐Xīnhūn kuàilèWishing you a happy marriage
早生贵子Zǎoshēng guìzǐWishing you a baby soon
天作之合Tiānzuò zhīhéA match made in heaven
福禄双全Fúlù shuāngquánWishing you both happiness and prosperity
同心永结Tóngxīn yǒngjiéUnited in love forever
金玉满堂Jīnyù mǎntángMay your home be filled with treasures
永浴爱河Yǒngyù àihéForever bask in the river of love
愿你们的爱情永恒,比钻石还要坚硬Yuàn nǐmen de àiqíng yǒnghéng, bǐ zuànshí hái yào jiānyìngMay your love be eternal, even stronger than a diamond
在你们的人生旅程中,愿爱情永远陪伴你们Zài nǐmen de rénshēng lǚchéng zhōng, yuàn àiqíng yǒngyuǎn péibàn nǐmenMay love accompany you both throughout your life journey
感谢你们的爱情故事,让我相信爱情Gǎnxiè nǐmen de àiqíng gùshì, ràng wǒ xiāngxìn àiqíngThank you for your love story, making me believe in love
祝福新婚快乐,百年好合Chok8 hok8 sin1 hun1 khòai3 lok8, pek3 nî3 hó3 haap6Wishing a happy marriage and a harmonious union lasting a hundred years
爱情甜蜜,百年好合Àiqíng tiánmì, bǎinián hǎohéSweet love and a harmonious union for a hundred years
愿天下有情人终成眷属Yuàn tiānxià yǒuqíng rén zhōng chéng juànshǔMay all lovers eventually become life partners
幸福相伴,白头偕老Xìngfú xiāngbàn, báitóu xiélǎoHappiness by your side, growing old together
愿你们的生活充满欢笑和阳光Yuàn nǐmen de shēnghuó chōngmǎn huānxiào hé yángguāngMay your life be filled with laughter and sunshine
愿你们白头到老,永结同心Yuàn nǐmen báitóu dào lǎo, yǒngjié tóngxīnMay you grow old together and stay united in love
祝愿幸福与你们同在Zhùyuàn xìngfú yǔ nǐmen tóngzàiWishing happiness to be always with you
花好月圆,百年好合Huā hǎo yuè yuán, bǎinián hǎohéBeautiful flowers and full moon, a harmonious union for a hundred years
爱情永恒,百年相守Àiqíng yǒnghéng, bǎinián xiāngshǒuEternal love and a century of togetherness
相濡以沫,永结同心Xiāngrúyǐmò, yǒngjié tóngxīnSupport each other, united in love forever
美满家庭,共度美好人生Měimǎn jiātíng, gòngdù měihǎo rénshēngA happy family, sharing a beautiful life together
爱情如酒,愈久愈醇Àiqíng rú jiǔ, yùjiǔ yùchúnLove is like wine, the older the richer
白头偕老,情比金坚Báitóu xiélǎo, qíng bǐ jīnjiānGrowing old together, love stronger than gold
和和美美,恩恩爱爱Héhé měiměi, ēnēn àiàiHarmonious and beautiful, loving and affectionate
愿你们的爱情如同鲜花,永远盛开Yuàn nǐmen de àiqíng rútóng xiānhuā, yǒngyuǎn shèngkāiMay your love bloom like flowers, forever blossoming
祝愿你们相敬如宾,恩爱一生Zhùyuàn nǐmen xiāngjìngrúbīn, ēnài yīshēngWishing you mutual respect and love for a lifetime
相濡以沫,共同携手Xiāngrúyǐmò, gòngtóng xiéshǒuSupport each other, hand in hand together
祝你们共度美好岁月,无尽欢乐Zhù nǐmen gòngdù měihǎo suìyuè, wújìn huānlèWishing you endless joy and beautiful years together
甜甜蜜蜜,永结同心Tiántián mìmì, yǒngjié tóngxīnSweet and loving, united in heart forever
祝你们爱情长长久久,幸福到永远Zhù nǐmen àiqíng chángchángjiǔjiǔ, xìngfú dào yǒngyuǎnWishing you everlasting love and happiness to eternity
愿你们的生活如诗如画,浪漫永恒Yuàn nǐmen de shēnghuó rúshīrúhuà, làngmàn yǒnghéngMay your life be as poetic and romantic as ever
爱情美满,永不分离Àiqíng měimǎn, yǒng bù fēnlíLove fulfilled, never to be separated
浪漫一生,永恒的爱情Làngmàn yīshēng, yǒnghéng de àiqíngA lifetime of romance, eternal love
心心相印,比翼双飞Xīnxīn xiāngyìn, bǐyì shuāngfēiHearts linked as one, soaring together
愿你们珍惜相爱,携手共度人生Yuàn nǐmen zhēnxī xiāngài, xiéshǒu gòngdù rénshēngCherish your love and journey through life hand in hand
愿你们风雨同舟,相濡以沫Yuàn nǐmen fēngyǔtóngzhōu, xiāngrúyǐmòIn wind and rain together, supporting each other
感恩相爱,共享人生Gǎn’ēn xiāngài, gòngxiǎng rénshēngGrateful for love, sharing life together
祝你们岁岁平安,恩爱永恒Zhù nǐmen suìsuì píng’ān, ēnài yǒnghéngWishing you peace every year and everlasting love
亲密无间,恩爱如初Qīnmì wújiàn, ēnài rúchūClose and intimate, love as fresh as ever
愿你们的爱情如绿叶常青,繁花似锦Yuàn nǐmen de àiqíng rú lǜyè chángqīng, fánhuā sì jǐnMay your love be evergreen and your life full of blossoms
心心相印,百年好合Xīnxīn xiāngyìn, bǎinián hǎohéHearts in harmony, a hundred years of perfect union
愿你们手牵手,步步高升Yuàn nǐmen shǒuqiānshǒu, bùbùgāoshēngHand in hand, rising higher together
愿你们的爱情永远如初,携手走过风雨Yuàn nǐmen de àiqíng yǒngyuǎn rúchū, xiéshǒu zǒuguò fēngyǔMay your love remain fresh, walking through storms together
祝你们恩爱百年,永结同心Zhù nǐmen ēnài bǎinián, yǒngjié tóngxīnWishing you a hundred years of love, forever united
真心相爱,永不变心Zhēnxīn xiāngài, yǒng bù biànxīnTrue love never changes, hearts are always faithful
天长地久,共度美好人生Tiāncháng dìjiǔ, gòngdù měihǎo rénshēngEternal as heaven and earth, sharing a beautiful life
百年好合,恩爱到老Bǎinián hǎohé, ēnài dào lǎoA harmonious union for a hundred years, love till old age
祝你们相亲相爱,携手到老Zhù nǐmen xiāngqīn xiāngài, xiéshǒu dào lǎoWishing you love and togetherness, hand in hand till old age
愿你们的爱情甜蜜长久Yuàn nǐmen de àiqíng tiánmì chángjiǔMay your love be sweet and everlasting
祝你们恩爱满堂,幸福美满Zhù nǐmen ēnài mǎntáng, xìngfú měimǎnWishing you a home full of love and happiness
愿你们的爱情如此深厚,永恒不变Yuàn nǐmen de àiqíng rúcǐ shēnhòu, yǒnghéng bùbiànMay your love be deep and unchanging, eternal and constant
永远浪漫,携手同行Yǒngyuǎn làngmàn, xiéshǒu tóngxíngForever romantic, walking hand in hand
爱情长青,百年好合Àiqíng chángqīng, bǎinián hǎohéEvergreen love, a perfect union for a hundred years
祝你们天长地久,白头偕老Zhù nǐmen tiāncháng dìjiǔ, báitóu xiélǎoWishing you eternal love, growing old together
愿你们的爱情如葡萄酒,愈久愈美Yuàn nǐmen de àiqíng rú pútáojiǔ, yùjiǔ yùměiMay your love be like fine wine, aging gracefully
愿你们的爱情如春天般美丽Yuàn nǐmen de àiqíng rú chūntiān bàn měilìMay your love be as beautiful as springtime
祝你们幸福永恒,爱情长久Zhù nǐmen xìngfú yǒnghéng, àiqíng chángjiǔWishing you eternal happiness and lasting love
愿你们的生活充满阳光,美好无限Yuàn nǐmen de shēnghuó chōngmǎn yángguāng, měihǎo wúxiànMay your life be filled with sunshine and endless beauty
互敬互爱,百年好合Hùjìng hùài, bǎinián hǎohéMutual respect and love, a harmonious union for a hundred years
愿你们的爱情天长地久,白头到老Yuàn nǐmen de àiqíng tiāncháng dìjiǔ, báitóu dào lǎoMay your love be eternal and grow old together
祝你们永远幸福快乐,携手共度人生Zhù nǐmen yǒngyuǎn xìngfú kuàilè, xiéshǒu gòngdù rénshēngWishing you everlasting happiness, journeying through life together
愿你们的爱情如太阳般灿烂Yuàn nǐmen de àiqíng rú tàiyáng bàn cànlànMay your love be as brilliant as the sun
感恩相遇,珍惜相守Gǎn’ēn xiāngyù, zhēnxī xiāngshǒuGrateful for meeting, cherish and protect each other
愿你们携手同心,共创美好未来Yuàn nǐmen xiéshǒu tóngxīn, gòngchuàng měihǎo wèiláiHand in hand, creating a beautiful future together
祝你们情深意长,爱情长存Zhù nǐmen qíngshēn yìzhǎng, àiqíng chángcúnWishing you deep affection and enduring love
金玉良缘,百年好合Jīnyù liángyuán, bǎinián hǎohéA perfect match, a harmonious union for a hundred years
祝你们相知相守,永远幸福Zhù nǐmen xiāngzhī xiāngshǒu, yǒngyuǎn xìngfúWishing you understanding and protection, forever happy
祝你们家庭和睦,幸福满满Zhù nǐmen jiātíng hé mù, xìngfú mǎn mǎnWishing you a harmonious family and full happiness
愿你们的爱情宛如蜜糖,甜蜜不已Yuàn nǐmen de àiqíng wǎnrú mìtáng, tiánmì bù yǐMay your love be as sweet as honey, never-ending
祝你们天长地久,永结同心Zhù nǐmen tiāncháng dìjiǔ, yǒngjié tóngxīnWishing you everlasting love and unity
愿你们恩爱相随,共创幸福人生Yuàn nǐmen ēnài xiāngsuí, gòngchuàng xìngfú rénshēngMay you follow love and create a happy life together
愿你们的爱情永存心间,风雨无阻Yuàn nǐmen de àiqíng yǒngcún xīnjiān, fēngyǔ wúzǔMay your love forever be in your hearts, unyielding to storms
祝你们永恒的爱情,幸福的家庭Zhù nǐmen yǒnghéng de àiqíng, xìngfú de jiātíngWishing you eternal love and a happy family
愿你们携手共进,心心相印Yuàn nǐmen xiéshǒu gòngjìn, xīnxīn xiāngyìnMay you walk hand in hand, hearts in harmony
祝你们幸福长久,相敬如宾Zhù nǐmen xìngfú chángjiǔ, xiāngjìng rú bīnWishing you lasting happiness and mutual respect
白头偕老,相伴一生Báitóu xiélǎo, xiāngbàn yīshēngGrowing old together, companions for life
愿你们的爱情坚定不移,永不磨灭Yuàn nǐmen de àiqíng jiāndìng bùyí, yǒng bù mómièMay your love be unwavering and never fade
愿你们恩爱一生,共度美好时光Yuàn nǐmen ēnài yīshēng, gòngdù měihǎo shíguāngMay you share a life of love and beautiful moments
祝你们甜蜜相守,白头到老Zhù nǐmen tiánmì xiāngshǒu, báitóu dào lǎoWishing you sweet companionship, growing old together
愿你们如此深爱,百年好合Yuàn nǐmen rúcǐ shēnài, bǎinián hǎohéLoving each other deeply, a perfect union for a hundred years
祝你们永远相亲相爱,共同进步Zhù nǐmen yǒngyuǎn xiāngqīn xiāngài, gòngtóng jìnbùWishing you endless love and mutual growth
祝你们爱情如海,浩渺无际Zhù nǐmen àiqíng rú hǎi, hàomiǎo wújìWishing your love to be as vast as the sea, boundless
愿你们的爱情比金坚,永恒不变Yuàn nǐmen de àiqíng bǐ jīn jiān, yǒnghéng bùbiànMay your love be as strong as gold, unchanging and eternal
祝你们幸福快乐,美满家庭Zhù nǐmen xìngfú kuàilè, měimǎn jiātíngWishing you happiness and a fulfilling family life
愿你们的爱情如山,永垂不朽Yuàn nǐmen de àiqíng rú shān, yǒngchuí bùxiǔMay your love be as enduring as a mountain, immortal
愿你们永远甜蜜相爱,幸福无疆Yuàn nǐmen yǒngyuǎn tiánmì xiāngài, xìngfú wújiāngMay you always love each other sweetly, with happiness without boundaries
祝你们相敬如宾,永浴爱河Zhù nǐmen xiāngjìng rú bīn, yǒng yù àihéWishing you mutual respect and forever bathing in love
愿你们一生幸福,缠绵不已Yuàn nǐmen yīshēng xìngfú, chánmián bù yǐMay you be happy throughout your life, love unce
愿你们一生幸福,缠绵不已Yuàn nǐmen yīshēng xìngfú, chánmián bù yǐMay you be happy throughout your life, love unceasingly
祝你们白头偕老,永结同心Zhù nǐmen báitóu xiélǎo, yǒngjié tóngxīnWishing you growing old together and forever united
愿你们爱情常青,幸福长久Yuàn nǐmen àiqíng chángqīng, xìngfú chángjiǔMay your love stay evergreen and your happiness long-lasting
祝你们永远幸福,爱情甜蜜Zhù nǐmen yǒngyuǎn xìngfú, àiqíng tiánmìWishing you eternal happiness and sweet love
愿你们共筑爱情的城堡,白头偕老Yuàn nǐmen gòng zhù àiqíng de chéngbǎo, báitóu xiélǎoMay you build a fortress of love together, growing old side by side
祝你们忠贞不渝,百年好合Zhù nǐmen zhōngzhēn bùyú, bǎinián hǎohéWishing you unwavering loyalty and a harmonious union for a hundred years
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Importance of Chinese Wedding Wishes

Here are some reasons why wedding wishes are significant in the Chinese community:

Auspicious blessings

Wedding wishes in Chinese often contain auspicious phrases and idioms that symbolize happiness, prosperity, and longevity. These blessings are believed to bring good fortune and ward off any negative energy or obstacles that the couple may face in their new life together.

Expression of respect and love

Wedding wishes serve as a way for family members, friends, and guests to express their love, respect, and best wishes for the couple’s future. This emotional connection and support are essential for strengthening relationships and fostering a sense of belonging within the community.

Encouragement for a successful marriage

By offering wedding wishes, well-wishers encourage the couple to cherish their love, maintain harmony, and work together to overcome challenges. These positive affirmations can inspire the newlyweds to build a strong foundation for their marriage.

Cultural continuity

As wedding wishes are often passed down from generation to generation, they play a crucial role in preserving the customs and traditions of the Chinese community. Exchanging wedding wishes allows younger generations to learn about their cultural heritage and appreciate the values embedded within these expressions.

Social bonding

The act of offering wedding wishes also fosters social bonds within the community, as it is an opportunity for friends and family to come together in celebration and support of the couple’s new life.

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Remember These Before Creating A Wedding Greetings in Chinese

When creating Chinese wedding wishes, it’s essential to be mindful of certain cultural norms and practices to ensure that your message is well-received and appropriate. Here are some don’ts to keep in mind when crafting Chinese wedding wishes:

Avoid negative or inauspicious words

Chinese culture places great importance on auspicious phrases and symbolism. Ensure that your wedding wishes don’t contain any negative or inauspicious words or expressions that could be seen as bad luck or ill omens for the couple’s future.

Steer clear of sensitive topics

Avoid mentioning sensitive topics such as divorce, death, or illness in your wedding wishes, as these subjects are considered inappropriate and could potentially dampen the celebratory atmosphere.

Don’t use informal language

While it’s important to write in a warm and heartfelt tone, avoid using overly casual or slang language in your wedding wishes. Maintain a respectful and polite tone to convey your best wishes to the couple.

Don’t focus solely on material wealth

Although wishing for prosperity and wealth is common in Chinese wedding wishes, avoid overemphasizing material success. Instead, strive to strike a balance between material and emotional blessings, such as happiness, love, and harmony.

Don’t be too brief

A one-word or overly short message may come across as insincere or lacking in thoughtfulness. Take the time to craft a meaningful message that conveys your heartfelt wishes for the couple’s future.

Avoid making it about yourself

Focus on the couple and their journey together, rather than drawing attention to yourself or your experiences. Your message should be a genuine expression of well-wishes for the newlyweds.

By keeping these don’ts in mind, you can create thoughtful and culturally appropriate Chinese wedding wishes that will be appreciated and cherished by the couple and their loved ones.

The power of words in celebrating love and marriage is immense. Embracing the beauty of Chinese culture through heartfelt wedding wishes not only adds a special touch to the occasion but also creates lasting memories for the newlyweds.

Use our guide to craft unique, heartfelt, and culturally significant wedding wishes that will make a lasting impression on the couple and their families.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use both traditional and modern wedding wishes in my message?

Absolutely! Mixing traditional and modern wedding wishes can add depth and personalization to your message, showcasing your understanding of Chinese culture while tailoring the sentiment to the couple’s unique relationship.

How can I make my wedding wishes more personal?

To create a more personal message, consider the couple’s personalities, shared interests, and memorable experiences together. Incorporate anecdotes, inside jokes, or well-wishes specific to their relationship for a one-of-a-kind message.

What is the significance of traditional Chinese wedding wishes?

Traditional Chinese wedding wishes often carry auspicious meanings, wishing the couple a blissful, prosperous, and long-lasting marriage. They are deeply rooted in Chinese culture and convey sincere blessings.

Can I use Chinese wedding wishes if I am not Chinese?

Yes, you can! Using Chinese wedding wishes is a thoughtful gesture that shows your appreciation for the couple’s cultural background. Just ensure that you understand the meaning behind the phrases to convey your message accurately.

How can I include Chinese wedding wishes in my gift or card?

You can write Chinese wedding wishes in elegant calligraphy or print them onto your card or gift wrapping. Alternatively, consider incorporating the wishes into the design of the gift itself, such as engraving them on a keepsake or customizing a piece of art.

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400 名言佳句精选生活与工作中的灵感源泉

在我们生活和工作中,常常寻找那些能够启迪智慧、激发灵感的名人名言。这些精选的400条名言佳句,不仅仅是工作动力的来源,也是生活智慧的体现。它们来自不同领域的杰出人物,每一句都蕴含着深刻的意义,能够为我们提供创意启发和情感表达的途径。 阅读这些名言警句,可以帮助我们在忙碌的日常中找到快乐喜悦,促进自我反省和知识增长。无论是面对职场挑战还是生活难题,这里面的每一条名言都如同一盏明灯,指引我们前行的方向,让我们在理想与现实之间找到平衡点。 400 名言佳句 50 深刻励志名言佳句 50 个人生活励志名言佳句 50 关于成功的励志名言佳句 50 工作励志名言佳句 50 经典励志名言佳句 50 学生励志名言佳句 50 幽默励志名言佳句 阅读励志名言佳句的好处 阅读励志名言能够改变我们的观点,激发我们面对生活和工作中的挑战。这些话语能让我们停止拖延,接受新的挑战,无论是在团队合作还是个人项目上,都能提供额外的动力。它们帮助我们更高效地工作,投资于个人成长,甚至鼓舞我们开始创业或明确自己的目标。