118 Auspicious Baby Girl Chinese Names In Singapore

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Choosing a name for your baby girl is an exciting and meaningful task for new parents. In Chinese culture, the name of a person holds significant meaning, and it is believed that it can affect their destiny.

Therefore, choosing an auspicious name for your baby girl is important to ensure a good life and a bright future. In this article, we will provide you with a list of 88 auspicious Chinese names for baby girls in Singapore, along with the factors to consider when choosing a Chinese name.

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Factors to Consider When Choosing a Chinese Name for Baby Girl

Choosing a Chinese name for your baby girl is not just about finding a beautiful name. It is important to consider the cultural significance, pronunciation, character meanings, astrology, and numerology when selecting a name. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a Chinese name for your baby girl:

Cultural Significance

The Chinese culture is deeply rooted in traditions and symbolism. Therefore, it is important to consider the cultural significance when choosing a Chinese name for your baby girl. A name that has cultural significance can create a sense of identity and connection to their cultural heritage.


The pronunciation of a name is important, as it can affect how the name is perceived and remembered. A name with a good sound and pronunciation can create a positive first impression and make it easier for others to remember.

Character Meanings

In Chinese culture, the meaning of a name is just as important as the sound. Each Chinese character has its own unique meaning, and it is important to choose characters that have positive connotations.

Astrology and Numerology

In Chinese culture, astrology and numerology play a significant role in determining the auspiciousness of a name. For example, certain characters may be considered lucky or unlucky based on the zodiac sign or birthdate of the baby.

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List of 118 Auspicious Chinese Names for Baby Girls in Singapore

Here is a list of 88 auspicious Chinese names for baby girls in Singapore, arranged in alphabetical order:

Chinese NameFull Meaning in EnglishFull Meaning in ChineseTotal StrokesExamples
妤 (Yú)Beautiful, Elegant美丽、优雅7妤琳 (Yúlín), 妤如 (Yúrú)
韵 (Yùn)Melody, Rhythm音韵、节奏19韵律 (Yùnlǜ), 韵味 (Yùnwèi)
风 (Fēng)Wind风力、微风9风景 (Fēngjǐng), 清风明月 (Qīngfēng míngyuè)
娜 (Nà)Elegant, Graceful优美、文雅10娜娜 (Nànà), 娜拉 (Nàlā)
佳 (Jiā)Excellent, Beautiful优秀、美好8佳人 (Jiārén), 佳节 (Jiājié)
紫 (Zǐ)Purple紫色、美好12紫禁城 (Zǐjìnchéng), 紫罗兰 (Zǐluólán)
霁 (Jì)Clear Up天空放晴、雨过天晴17霁青 (Jìqīng), 晴霁 (Qíngjì)
茹 (Rú)Nurture, Cook养育、烹饪10茹素 (Rúsù)
熙 (Xī)Bright, Splendid光明、辉煌15熙熙攘攘 (Xīxī rǎngrǎng), 熙来攘往 (Xī lái rǎng wǎng)
娅 (Yà)Beautiful, Elegant美丽、优雅9娅姆哈迪 (Yà mǔ hā dí), 朱莉娅 (Zhūlìyà)
旖 (Yǐ)Elegant, Graceful文雅、优美15旖旎 (Yǐnǐ), 旖婷 (Yǐtíng)
沙 (Shā)Sand沙滩、沙漠7沙滩 (Shātān), 沙沙 (ShāShā)
玲 (Líng)Jade, Tinkling玉石、清脆7玲珑 (Línglóng), 玲子 (Língzǐ)
朵 (Duǒ)Flower, Cluster花朵、一簇6玫瑰朵朵 (Méiguī duǒduǒ), 花朵儿 (Huāduǒr)
萍 (Píng)Duckweed鸭脚草、水草12萍水相逢 (Píng shuǐ xiāng fēng), 水上萍 (Shuǐshàng píng)
珂 (Kě)Beautiful, Fine美好、精致9珂朵莉 (Kěduǒlì), 珂爱 (Kě’ài)
焱 (Yàn)Flame, Blaze火焰、火光13焱火 (Yànhuǒ), 烈焱(Lièyàn)
霜 (Shuāng)Frost霜冻、寒冷16霜降 (Shuāngjiàng), 霜天 (Shuāngtiān)
柔 (Róu)Gentle, Soft温柔、软和9柔软 (Róuruǎn), 柔和 (Róuhé)
晶 (Jīng)Crystal, Sparkle水晶、光芒12晶莹 (Jīngyíng), 晶体 (Jīngtǐ)
丽 (Lì)Beautiful, Graceful美好、优雅7丽人 (Lìrén), 丽水 (Lìshuǐ)
谷 (Gǔ)Valley, Grain山谷、粮食7谷雨 (Gǔyǔ), 麦谷 (Màigǔ)
純 (Chún)Pure, Simple纯真、简单10纯情 (Chúnqíng), 纯洁 (Chúnjié)
洁 (Jié)Pure, Clean纯洁、清洁9清洁 (Qīngjié), 纯洁无暇 (Chúnjié wú xiá)
瑛 (Yīng)Lustrous, Bright光彩、明亮13瑛琭 (Yīnglù), 瑛瑛 (Yīngyīng)
悦 (Yuè)Delighted, Happy快乐、高兴12欢悦 (Huānyuè), 悦耳 (Yuè’ěr)
静 (Jìng)Quiet, Calm安静、平静14安静 (Ānjìng), 静待 (Jìngdài)
艺 (Yì)Art, Skill艺术、技艺13艺术家 (Yìshù jiā), 技艺高超 (Jìyì gāochāo)
菁 (Jīng)Smart, Intelligent聪明、智慧11菁菁 (Jīngjīng), 菁英 (Jīngyīng)
妍 (Yán)Beautiful, Graceful美丽、优雅7妍丽 (Yánlì), 妍然 (Yánrán)
蕾 (Lěi)Bud, Blossom花苞、开花14蕾丝 (Lěisī), 蕾蕾 (Lěilěi)
柏 (Bǎi)Cypress柏树、木材9柏林 (Bǎilínq)
琳 (Lín)Gem, Bright宝石、明亮12琳琅 (Línláng), 琳琅满目 (Línláng mǎnmù)
青 (Qīng)Blue-Green, Youthful蓝绿、年轻12青年 (Qīngnián), 青春 (Qīngchūn)
琦 (Qí)Fine Jade, Precious Stone美玉、宝石12琦琦 (Qíqí), 琦玉 (Qíyù)
璇 (Xuán)Flawless Jade玉石、美玉16璇玑 (Xuánjī), 璇璇 (Xuánxuán)
琪 (Qí)Fine Jade, Precious Stone美玉、宝石12琪琪 (Qíqí), 琪华 (Qíhuá)
忆 (Yì)Memory, Recollection回忆、记忆7回忆录 (Huíyì lù), 记忆力 (Jìyì lì)
娅 (Yà)Elegant, Graceful优雅、文雅9娅楠 (Yànán), 娅蕾 (Yàlěi)
韵 (Yùn)Rhythm, Melody音乐、节奏19音韵 (Yīnyùn), 韵律 (Yùnlǜ)
蕊 (Ruǐ)Bud, Pistil花蕾、花粉14花蕊香 (Huāruǐ xiāng), 端午蕊 (Duānwǔ ruǐ)
梅 (Méi)Plum Blossom花朵、美丽10梅花 (Méihuā), 梅雨 (Méiyǔ)
楚 (Chǔ)Clear, Unadorned清晰、朴素13楚辞 (Chǔcí), 楚楚动人 (Chǔchǔ dòngrén)
欣 (Xīn)Happy, Joyful欣慰、快乐10欣喜 (Xīnxǐ), 心欣 (Xīnxīn)
薇 (Wēi)Rose, Mulberry玫瑰、桑葚16玫瑰薇 (Méiguī wēi), 薇琳 (Wēilín)
英 (Yīng)Brave, Outstanding杰出、勇敢8英俊 (Yīngjùn), 优雅英气 (Yōuyǎ yīngqì)
璐 (Lù)Gemstone, Crystal珠宝、水晶16璐璐 (Lùlù), 璐美 (Lùměi)
璟 (Jǐng)Sparkle, Brilliance光辉、灿烂17璟璟 (Jǐngjǐng), 璟亮 (Jǐngliàng)
柔 (Róu)Gentle, Soft温柔、柔软9温柔女子 (Wēnróu nǚzǐ), 柔顺 (Róushùn)
蓓 (Bèi)Bud, Sprout花苞、芽14蓓蕾 (Bèilěi), 花蓓 (Huābèi)
雨 (Yǔ)Rain下雨、雨水8雨滴 (Yǔdī), 雨天 (Yǔtiān)
语 (Yǔ)Language, Speech语言、言语14语言 (Yǔyán), 语文 (Yǔwén)
馨 (Xīn)Fragrant芳香、香气17馨香 (Xīnxiāng), 馨草 (Xīncǎo)
彤 (Tóng)Red, Vermilion红色、朱砂11彤云 (Tóngyún), 彤彤 (Tóngtóng)
梦 (Mèng)Dream睡梦、梦想13美梦 (Měimèng), 梦幻 (Mènghuàn)
莹 (Yíng)Lustrous, Bright闪亮、明亮12闪莹 (Shǎnyíng), 闪莹莹 (Shǎnyíngyíng)
舒 (Shū)Comfortable, Relaxed舒适、轻松12舒服 (Shūfu), 舒畅 (Shūchàng)
璨 (Càn)Brilliant, Lustrous光彩、闪耀17璨璨 (Càncàn), 璨亮 (Cànliàng)
瑾 (Jǐn)Bright, Lustrous珍珠、光泽14瑾瑜 (Jǐnyú), 瑾瑶 (Jǐnyáo)
灵 (Líng)Spirit, Soul神秘、灵魂11灵动 (Língdòng), 灵气 (Língqì)
珊 (Shān)Coral珊瑚、宝石9珊珊 (Shānshān), 珊瑚礁 (Shānhú jiāo)
萱 (Xuān)Wildflower, Inula野花、旋转13萱草 (Xuāncǎo), 萱萱 (Xuānxuān)
芷 (Zhǐ)Angelica香草、花草7芷兰 (Zhǐlán), 芷蕾 (Zhǐlěi)
睿 (Ruì)Intelligent, Wise聪明、智慧13睿智 (Ruìzhì), 睿哲 (Ruìzhé)
玲 (Líng)Tinkling of Jade玉石、响声9玲珑 (Línglóng), 玲玲 (Línglíng)
雅 (Yǎ)Elegant, Graceful高雅、文雅13雅致 (Yǎzhì), 高雅文化 (Gāoyǎ wénhuà)
洁 (Jié)Clean, Pure干净、清洁9洁白 (Jiébái), 清洁 (Qīngjié)
瑜 (Yú)Lustrous Gem珍珠、美玉14瑜珈 (Yújiā), 玲瑜 (Língyú)
玫 (Méi)Rose玫瑰、花卉7玫红 (Méihóng), 玫瑰园 (Méiguī yuán)
英 (Yīng)Brave, Heroic英勇、英俊8英语 (Yīngyǔ), 英明 (Yīngmíng)
美 (Měi)Beautiful美丽、漂亮9美好 (Měihǎo), 美人鱼 (Měirényú)
玥 (Yuè)Moonstone, Precious Gem玉石、宝石10玥玛 (Yuèmǎ), 玥瑰 (Yuèguī)
恬 (Tián)Peaceful, Calm安静、恬淡9恬逸 (Tiányì), 安恬 (Āntián)
莎 (Shā)Grass, Sedge莎草、茅草11莎莎 (Shāshā), 莎士比亚 (Shāshìbǐyǎ)
婷 (Tíng)Graceful, Elegant高雅、文雅11婷婷 (Tíngtíng), 玲婷 (Língtíng)
翠 (Cuì)Jade Green碧绿、翠玉14翠鸟 (Cuìniǎo), 翠微 (Cuìwēi)
诗 (Shī)Poem, Poetry诗歌、诗篇7诗人 (Shīrén), 古诗 (Gǔshī)
丽 (Lì)Beautiful美丽、漂亮7丽人 (Lìrén), 丽江 (Lìjiāng)
琪 (Qí)Precious Jade玉石、宝石11琪琪 (Qíqí), 琪瑶 (Qíyáo)
怡 (Yí)Happy, Joyful愉悦、欢乐8怡然 (Yírán), 悠怡 (Yōuyí)
韵 (Yùn)Rhyme, Charm音韵、风韵19韵律 (Yùnlǜ), 风韵犹存 (Fēngyùn yóucún)
薇 (Wēi)Rose玫瑰、花卉16薇薇 (Wēiwēi), 薇荟 (Wēihuì)
思 (Sī)Thought, Thinking思想、思考9思维 (Sīwéi), 深思 (Shēnsī)
艺 (Yì)Art, Skill艺术、技艺13艺术家 (Yìshùjiā), 技艺超群 (Jìyì chāoqún)
雁 (Yàn)Wild Goose大雁、候鸟11雁南飞 (Yànnán fēi), 秋雁飞渡 (Qiūyàn fēidù)
银 (Yín)Silver白银、银色11银行 (Yínháng), 银饰 (Yínshì)
萍 (Píng)Duckweed浮萍、水草12萍水相逢 (Píngshuǐ xiāngfēng), 萍踪 (Píngzōng)
柔 (Róu)Gentle, Soft柔软、温柔9柔和 (Róuhé), 柔顺 (Róushùn)
燕 (Yàn)Swallow燕子、飞翔16燕舞 (Yànwǔ), 燕南天北 (Yànnán tiānběi)
紫 (Zǐ)Purple紫色、皇家12紫砂 (Zǐshā), 紫罗兰 (Zǐluólán)
娅 (Yà)Elegance, Grace高雅、文雅9娅华 (Yàhuá), 娅娅 (Yàyà)
晶 (Jīng)Crystal, Bright晶莹、光明12水晶 (Shuǐjīng), 晶彩 (Jīngcǎi)
楚 (Chǔ)Clear, Pure清楚、纯洁13楚楚动人 (Chǔchǔ dòngrén), 楚天 (Chǔtiān)
蕾 (Lěi)Bud, Sprout花蕾、新芽15蕾蕾 (Lěilěi), 花蕾朵朵 (Huālěi duǒduǒ)
桐 (Tóng)Paulownia Tree桐树、高大10桐乡 (Tóngxiāng), 桐城 (Tóngchéng)
珊 (Shān)Coral珊瑚、珊瑚礁9珊珊 (Shānshān), 珊瑚海 (Shānhú hǎi)
嫣 (Yān)Charming, Graceful婀娜多姿、妩媚动人14嫣红 (Yānhóng), 嫣然一笑 (Yānrán yīxiào)
玲 (Líng)Delicate, Tinkling玲珑、清脆10玲玲 (Línglíng), 玲珑剔透 (Línglóng tītòu)
莉 (Lì)Jasmine茉莉、香气10莉莉 (Lìlì), 莉香 (Lìxiāng)
紫薇 (Zǐwēi)Purple Sage紫色花卉、美丽清高16紫薇花 (Zǐwēi huā), 紫薇树 (Zǐwēi shù)
荷 (Hé)Lotus荷花、清雅10荷香 (Héxiāng), 荷叶 (Héyè)
璇 (Xuán)Beautiful Jade美玉、美石16璇玑 (Xuánjī), 璇子 (Xuánzǐ)
桂 (Guì)Osmanthus桂花、香气10月桂 (Yuèguì), 桂花树 (Guìhuā shù)
姿 (Zī)Beauty, Grace美好姿态、容貌9姿容 (Zīróng), 姿态万千 (Zītài wànqiān)
菁 (Jīng)Young Shoots幼嫩菜蔬、青春11菁菁 (Jīngjīng), 菁英 (Jīngyīng)
瑶 (Yáo)Precious, Elegant宝贵典雅、华丽13瑶台 (Yáotái), 瑶池 (Yáochí)
英 (Yīng)Brave, Heroic英勇、英俊8英雄 (Yīngxióng), 雄英 (Xióngyīng)
沐 (Mù)Bathe, Cleanse沐浴、清洁8沐阳 (Mùyáng), 沐清 (Mùqīng)
绮 (Qǐ)Beautiful, Elegant美好、华丽14绮丽 (Qǐlì), 绮想 (Qǐxiǎng)
芷 (Zhǐ)Angelica芳香、淡雅7芷兰 (Zhǐlán), 芷川 (Zhǐchuān)
琪 (Qí)Precious, Valuable珍贵、美丽12琪琪 (Qíqí), 琪瑶 (Qíyáo)
霜 (Shuāng)Frost, Hoar-frost霜冻、清寒15霜花 (Shuānghuā), 霜降 (Shuāngjiàng)
悦 (Yuè)Joy, Happiness愉悦、高兴10悦耳 (Yuè’ěr), 快乐悦动 (Kuàilè yuèdòng)
羽 (Yǔ)Feather羽毛、飞翔9羽绒服 (Yǔróngfú), 羽翼 (Yǔyì)
洛 (Luò)Luo River洛阳、河流9洛水 (Luòshuǐ), 洛神 (Luòshén)
静 (Jìng)Quiet, Calm安静、平静14静静 (Jìngjìng), 静心 (Jìngxīn)
心 (Xīn)Heart, Mind心灵、思想4心想事成 (Xīnxiǎng shì chéng), 心照不宣 (Xīnzhào bù xuān)
容 (Róng)Appearance, Countenance容貌、样子10容颜 (Róngyán), 容光焕发 (Róngguāng huànfā)
竹 (Zhú)Bamboo竹子、植物6竹林 (Zhúlín), 竹笋 (Zhúsǔn)
紫 (Zǐ)Purple紫色、高贵12紫微 (Zǐwēi), 紫罗兰 (Zǐluólán)
舒 (Shū)Comfortable, Ease轻松、愉悦11舒适 (Shūshì), 舒服 (Shūfu)
昕 (Xīn)New Day, Fresh新的一天、清新9昕昕 (Xīnxīn), 春光明媚,昕然心动 (Chūn guāng míng mèi, xīnrán xīndòng)
颖 (Yǐng)Clever, Quick-witted聪明、机智15颖慧 (Yǐnghuì), 青年颖秀 (Qīngnián yǐng xiù)
露 (Lù)Dew露水、清新11露天 (Lùtiān), 露珠 (Lùzhū)
雅 (Yǎ)Elegant, Refined高雅、文雅13雅韵 (Yǎyùn), 雅俗共赏 (Yǎ sú gòng shǎng)
雨 (Yǔ)Rain雨水、降雨8雨滴 (Yǔdī), 雨露 (Yǔlù)
淇 (Qí)Name of a River淇河、江河11淇淇 (Qíqí), 淇水 (Qíshuǐ)
灵 (Líng)Spiritual, Clever神秘、聪明11灵感 (Línggǎn), 灵气 (Língqì)
诗 (Shī)Poem, Poetry诗歌、文艺7诗词 (Shīcí), 诗经 (Shījīng)
蕾 (Lěi)Bud花蕾、新生15花蕾朵朵 (Huālěi duǒ duǒ), 蕾丝边 (Lěisī biān)
瀚 (Hàn)Vast, Boundless辽阔、广大18瀚海 (Hànhǎi), 瀚宇 (Hànyǔ)
青 (Qīng)Green, Blue青色、年轻8青春 (Qīngchūn), 青山绿水 (Qīngshān lǜ shuǐ)
妍 (Yán)Beautiful, Elegant美丽、高雅7妍丽 (Yánlì), 妍华 (Yánhuá)
璟 (Jǐng)Brilliant, Crystal闪耀、晶莹17璟璟 (Jǐngjǐng), 玉璟 (Yùjǐng)
莹 (Yíng)Bright, Shining明亮、闪耀12闪莹莹 (Shǎnyíngyíng), 晶莹剔透 (Jīngyíng tītòu)
澜 (Lán)Turbulent, Surging洋溢、波涛16澜声 (Lánshēng), 澜沧江 (Láncāng jiāng)
韵 (Yùn)Melody, Rhyme音律、节奏19音韵 (Yīnyùn), 诗情画意,意韵悠长 (Shīqíng huàyì, yìyùn yōucháng)
忆 (Yì)Memory, Recollection回忆、回顾8回忆录 (Huíyì lù), 忆苦思甜 (Yìkǔ sī tián)
雪 (Xuě)Snow雪花、下雪11雪景 (Xuějǐng), 雪崩 (Xuěbēng)
晴 (Qíng)Clear, Sunny晴朗、明亮12晴空 (Qíngkōng), 晴好天气 (Qínghǎo tiānqì)
珂 (Kē)Beautiful Jade美玉、美好5珂朵莉 (Kē duǒ lì), 珂玛 (Kē mǎ)
琪 (Qí)Precious Jade宝玉、美好11琪琪 (Qíqí), 琪人堆 (Qí rén duī)
晋 (Jìn)Advance, Promote进步、提升10晋升 (Jìnshēng), 晋级 (Jìnjí)
爵 (Jué)Noble Rank爵位、尊贵17爵士乐 (Juéshì yuè), 爵位高贵 (Jué wèi gāo guì)

Choosing an auspicious baby girl’s Chinese name in Singapore is a significant decision that carries deep cultural and personal meaning. With 88 auspicious names to choose from, parents have a wide range of options to express their hopes and aspirations for their children.

Each name on the list carries a unique combination of positive qualities and attributes, such as beauty, intelligence, and success. By choosing a name that resonates with their values and beliefs, parents can help shape their child’s future and provide a sense of cultural identity and belonging.

Ultimately, the decision of choosing a baby girl’s Chinese name in Singapore is a powerful expression of love, hope, and cultural heritage for both the parents and their child.

The Importance of Baby Girl Chinese Names In Singapore

Baby girl Chinese names in Singapore hold great significance for parents and families. Not only do they reflect cultural heritage and identity, but they also carry deep meanings and values.

From expressing parents’ hopes and aspirations for their child to shaping the child’s personality and future success, baby girl Chinese names play an important role in the child’s life.

They also provide a sense of identity and belonging in a diverse society, and help the child navigate different social and professional environments. Choosing an auspicious name for a baby girl is a meaningful and significant decision for many families in Singapore.

  • Reflects cultural heritage and identity
  • Brings good fortune and blessings
  • Expresses parents’ hopes and aspirations for their child
  • Provides a sense of identity and belonging in a diverse society
  • Shapes the child’s personality and future success
  • Preserves the family’s lineage and connection to ancestors
  • Can serve as a conversation starter and social identifier
  • Conveys positive qualities such as intelligence, beauty, and kindness
  • Helps the child navigate social and professional environments in Singapore
  • A way to honor and respect cultural traditions and values.


  1. What is the significance of choosing an auspicious name for a baby girl? Choosing an auspicious name for a baby girl is believed to affect their destiny positively and bring them good luck and prosperity in life.
  2. What factors should I consider when choosing a Chinese name for my baby girl? When choosing a Chinese name for your baby girl, it is essential to consider the cultural significance, pronunciation, character meanings, and astrology.
  3. How can I ensure that the name I choose is easy to pronounce? Choosing a name with simple sounds and common characters can help ensure that it is easy to pronounce and remember.
  4. What is the significance of astrology and numerology in choosing a Chinese name? In Chinese culture, astrology and numerology are used to determine the auspiciousness of a name. Certain characters may be considered lucky or unlucky based on the zodiac sign or birthdate of the baby.
  5. Can I create a unique Chinese name for my baby girl? Yes, you can create a unique Chinese name for your baby girl by combining different characters with positive meanings or using a less common name. However, it is important to ensure that the name is easy to pronounce and has cultural significance.
Thumbnail for auspicious baby girls names

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